When starting a Home Business the number one most effective way to get your site or product out there is to advertise. There are a lot of people that do not know how to advertise. There are a lot of people who are not sure what methods of advertising will be effective. Advertising is just not on the internet. You can do a lot of advertising offline and locally. There are many forms of advertising. I am going to list a few. Not all are right for everyone.
~Free Advertising- Message Boards, Free Classifieds, Flyers, Business Cards, Word of Mouth, etc. This is Free and easy to do. Message Boards are a great way to meet new friends and to share your ideas with others.
~Paid Advertising- Pay a company or a website owner to place your ad on their site or a local ad in a newspaper. You can do a text ad or even a color picture ad.
~Solo Advertising- You can pay a company to send out your ad to their ?mailing list?. It is a one time mailing. Sometimes you can find them for a decent price. The length of the ad shouldn?t matter if it?s a Solo Ad. They try to fill the page up for the mailing.
~Banners/ Buttons- If you have a banner or a button already made then you can pay a company to list it on their site for the length of time that you like. If you do not have a banner or button your can always find someone to make one for you. They are cheap and easy to do. Sometimes is good to have different banners. Rotate them once in awhile.
~Plug Boards-These are new to advertising. They are a small version of a banner (88x31).
~Networking- Networking is great. It?s a great way to meet new friends. Once you build that friendship it will make you feel more comfortable in purchasing their products. There are all types of new networking places: Ryze and Myspace are just a few.
~Blogging- Consider starting a blog. It's a great way for folks to get to know you.
~Freebies- Give away Free items with your company name and your contact information on them. Pens and Pencils are a great items.
These are just a few ideas on how and where to advertise. There are all types of advertising and I?m sure I didn?t even hit most of them and I have only listed a few in this article. If you are new to advertising I suggest you take some of the online advertising courses. Some offer free online advertising courses.
Erin Kewer has been working at home for 6 years now building a resource website to help other moms and dads run their home business successfully. Contact her at athome@athomeresources.com or http://www.athomeresources.com
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Adverting is the lifeline to any business
Posted by
At Home Resources
8:05 PM
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